offers consulting expertise in vibration analysis of rotating
machinery and torsional vibration measurements.
ADM promotes
the use of Polytec products as a platform for the measurement
and analysis of all torsional vibration applications. Products
include single point, low cost industrial, scanning, rotational,
ultrasonic, in-plane and fibre optic vibrometers. Polytec
is a world leader in laser Doppler instrumentation.
For further information on the Polytec Laser Measurement family
in particular the Rotational Vibrometer 4000 series view or
download the following documents:
Laser Measurement Family
to visit the Polytec web site.
is offered in the area of vibration analysis of rotating machinery
and torsional vibration measurements and modeling of rotating
- Torsional
vibration measurements using laser torsional vibrometer
or encoders
- Torque
measurements using torque telemetry
- Mechanical
power measurements
- Torsional
modal analysis using impact or steady state torsional excitation
- Torsional
testing (system identification) of machine components and
- Machine
condition monitoring and fault diagnosis
- Strain
gauging and load testing of components
- Chatter
analysis and suppression in machining processes
signal processing and custom software development
- Frequency
and time domain torsional modeling of machinery drive trains
- Frequency
and time domain modeling of rotor transverse vibration
- Coupled
torsional and transverse vibration analysis